Unwavering Support for Uncommon Heroes® 
For over a century, the VFW Auxiliary has steadfastly pursued its founding missions: supporting the Veterans of Foreign Wars, providing aid to veterans, active-duty service members, and their families, while fostering a spirit of patriotism across the nation. We are an inclusive organization comprising fathers, mothers, siblings, children, and grandparents of those who have honorably served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

We are united by a common belief in Americanism, defined by an unfailing love of country; loyalty to its institutions and ideals; eagerness to defend it against all enemies; unwavering allegiance to the flag; and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and future generations.

Our members have dedicated millions of hours, contributed millions of dollars, and honored countless veterans in meaningful ways. Join us as a volunteer to celebrate and safeguard the freedoms we cherish in America.

VFW Auxiliary Post 12186

Established at precisely 13:33 on May 23, 2020, under the guidance of Past Department of Florida Auxiliary Presidents Nancy Trivett and Kathy Roman, VFW Auxiliary Post 12186 proudly upholds our commitment to service and country. 

 VFW Auxiliary 12186 Officers

President:  Tanya McKinley

Sr. Vice President:  Emily Lukas

Jr. Vice  President:  Janice Llewelyn

Secretary:  Laurie Hines

Treasurer:  Jill Lukas

Chaplain:  Craig Gross

Conductor:  Maggie Lande

Guard:  Kathy Jo Hamilton

Trustee 1 Yr:  Georgette Reed

Trustee 2 Yr:  Susan Aumack

Trustee 3Yr:  Linda Hagerman


3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contest

VFW Auxiliary National is pleased to present this National Scholarship to assist students who wish to further their education. This scholarship contes recognizes young artists and encourages patriotism in youth. Entries will be judged on originality of concept, presentation and patriotism expressed, content of how it relates to patriotism and clarity of ideas, design technique and total impact of work.
Contest Eligibility
  • Student does not have to be related to a VFW or VFW Auxiliary member to participate
  • Students in grades 9-12 by March 31 deadline who are enrolled in a public, private, parochial or home school program in the United States, its territories and possessions, or dependents of U.S. military or civilian personnel in overseas schools.
  • Although U.S. citizenship is not required, students must be lawful U.S. permanent residents or have applied for permanent resident (the application for which has not been denied) and intends to become a U.S. citizen.
  • Foreign exchange students, students aged 20 or older, GED and adult education students are not eligible.
  • Previous winners of VFW Auxiliary National 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art Contests are not eligible.
Contest Rules
  • Entry must be completed during the current school year.
  • Entry must be three dimensional.
  • Entry may not be larger than 18”in any direction
  • Entry may not weigh more than 5 pounds.
  • Stone, clay, metal, wood, fabric, papier mâché, pottery, and other media may be used.
  • Digital art and photography, weapons, art generated by a 3-D printer and jewelry are not accepted.
  • If the American Flag is used, it must conform to the Federal Flag Code in relation to colors, numbers of stars and stripes and other pertinent rules of the code.
  • Completed typed or printed legible entry form including student and parent and/or guardian signatures.
  • Typed or printed legible explanation of the steps taken to create the 3-Dimensional art entry and artist statement (250 words or less). • Submit at least 2 photos of completed art entry
VFW Auxiliary National Scholarships
First place - $2,500
Second place - $1,500
Third place - $1,000
Fourth place - $500
Scholarships are paid directly to the American college, vocational, technical or trade school of the winners’ choice within 5 five years after high school graduation.
VFW Auxiliary is not responsible for entries which are lost, late, illegible, damaged, incomplete, misdirected, stolen, or reproduced. All scores are final as received from the judges. All contestants must agree to abide by the contest rules. Falsifying information on the entry form or any violation of these rules shall cause immediate disqualification and forfeiture of scholarship.
VFW Auxiliary judging dates and deadlines:
March 31: Student entries must be submitted to a participating sponsoring VFW Auxiliary for judging.
April 15: First place winner from each participating sponsoring VFW Auxiliary or optional VFW Auxiliary District advances to the VFW Auxiliary Department (state) for judging.
May 5: First place winner from each Department (state) due to VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters for judging.
July/August: All students will be notified of entry status via email provided on entry form. First through third place winning entries will be announced on VFW Auxiliary National social media pages and may be displayed at the VFW Auxiliary National Convention.
September: All art entries received at VFW Auxiliary National will be returned to students to the address provided on the entry form.
VFW Auxiliary National reserves the right to modify these rules and eligibility without notice.

Student entries must be submitted to VFW Auxiliary to Post 12186 in Oldsmar by March 31, 2025. Interested students, parents and teachers should contact Tanya McKinley at 513-340-2652 or at VFWAPresident12186@gmail.comfor more information.

Young American Creative Patriotic Art Scholarship 
VFW Auxiliary National is pleased to present this National Scholarship to assist students who wish to further their education. This scholarship contes recognizes young artists and encourages patriotism in youth. Entries will be judged on originality of concept, presentation and patriotism expressed, content of how it relates to patriotism and clarity of ideas, design technique and total impact of work.
Contest Eligibility
  • Student does not have to be related to a VFW or VFW Auxiliary member to participate
  • Students in grades 9-12 by March 31 deadline who are enrolled in a public, private, parochial or home school program in the United States, its territories and possessions, or dependents of U.S. military or civilian personnel in overseas schools.
  • Although U.S. citizenship is not required, students must be lawful U.S. permanent residents or have applied for permanent resident (the application for which has not been denied) and intends to become a U.S. citizen.
  • Foreign exchange students, students aged 20 or older, GED and adult education students are not eligible.
  • Previous winners of VFW Auxiliary National Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contests are not eligible.
Contest Rules
  • Entry must be completed during the current school year.
  • Entry must be two dimensional.
  • Entry must be on canvas or paper.
  • Canvas entries must be submitted on a stretcher frame or canvas board.
  • Paper entries must be reinforced with heavy paper.
  • Do not frame art with wood, metal, plastic or glass.
  • Mats may be used, including mounted and floating mats.
  • Entries may not be smaller than 8”x10” and not larger than 18”x24” including mat.
  • Acrylic, chalk, charcoal, crayon, graphite, ink, marker, oil, pastel, pen, pencil, tempera, watercolor or other media may be used.
  • If the American Flag is used, it must conform to the Federal Flag Code in relation to colors, numbers of stars and stripes and other pertinent rules of the code.
  • Digital art and photography are not accepted.
  • Completed typed or printed legible entry form including student and parent and/or guardian signatures.
  • Typed or printed legible artist statement (250 words or less).
  • Student name on back of art entry.
VFW Auxiliary National Scholarships
First place - $15,000
Second place - $7,500
Third place - $3,500
Fourth place and Fifth place - $1,500
Sixth place and Seventh place - $1,000
Eighth place through Nineteenth place - $500
Scholarships are paid directly to the American college, vocational, technical or trade school of the winners’ choice within 5 five years after high school graduation.
VFW Auxiliary is not responsible for entries which are lost, late, illegible, damaged, incomplete, misdirected, stolen, or reproduced. All scores are final as received from the judges. All contestants must agree to abide by the contest rules. Falsifying information on the entry form or any violation of these rules shall cause immediate disqualification and forfeiture of scholarship.
VFW Auxiliary judging dates and deadlines:
  • March 31: Student entries must be submitted to a participating sponsoring VFW Auxiliary for judging.
  • April 15: First place winner from each participating sponsoring VFW Auxiliary or optional VFW Auxiliary District advances to the VFW Auxiliary Department (state) for judging.
  • May 5: First place winner from each Department (state) due to VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters for judging.
  • July/August: All students will be notified of entry status via email provided on entry form. First through twelfth place winning entries will be announced on VFW Auxiliary National social media pages and may be displayed at the VFW Auxiliary National Convention.
  • September: All art entries received at VFW Auxiliary National will be returned to students to the address provided on the entry form.
VFW Auxiliary National reserves the right to modify these rules and eligibility without notice.

Student entries must be submitted to VFW Auxiliary to Post 12186 in Oldsmar by March 31, 2025. Interested students, parents and teachers should contact Tanya McKinley at 513-340-2652 or at VFWAPresident12186@gmail.comfor more information.